
Economic Growth

At the beginning of the pacification processes. Entrepreneurs Harry Solís and his wife Milagros Baylón opened a coffee shop betting on a social space. The proposal seemed very risky, but their belief that coffee changes everything became the driving force behind their persistence.

Coffee peace has allowed public and private investment to enter Monzón. For example, before, people who were dedicated to planting and harvesting coca could not build and lived precariously in wooden houses, but now with coffee, they are building cement houses. Monzón is currently experiencing a construction boom.

The road that will interconnect Monzón with Huaraz and the coast is under development. This will allow AROMAS DE MONZÓN to complement the coffee business with a rural community tourism project.

With the thought that the magnitude of people is linked to experiences. AROMAS DE MONZÓN contributes to the people of its village since it allows them to experience all the dimensions of coffee by learning to value what is produced in the Monzón Valley.

The objective of AROMAS DE MONZÓN is to support coffee-growing families to improve their family economy because thanks to this enterprise many coffee growers can offer their coffee. Depending on the quality and physical yield of the coffee, a fair price is paid, always above the standard. In this way, we promote fair commercial practices in our beloved town.

Nature Protection

Our commitment is also linked to promoting sustainable agricultural practices among our coffee-producing partners. Specifically in the responsible management of waste, which allows us to help preserve the natural environment and reduce the environmental impact of coffee production.

To this end, we have a project in the study phase, which is the production of ecological charcoal based on coffee husks as raw material, which emerges as an innovative, eco-friendly, and sustainable solution.

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